

K莫 The Person Who Lights Up Stars

小剧场  点亮星星的人

Ko often has the same dream: he lives beside a long river. While the other side of the river is sprinkled with a myriad twinkling lights of families, his house is dim and silent.
It's a long, cold night.he sits by the river alone, watching the glimmering lights across the river, till the brightness sprawls over the sky.

Ko never dreamed this dream since he lived with Haomei. He is a light sleeper. When he awake at midnight, Haomei's adorable sleeping face always makes him feel warm and peaceful. At that time,  he will kiss his beloved boy slightly and fall asleep again.
It seems that Haomei has such magic to make him feel at ease.

But on this day , Ko dreamed that bad dream again. This day was Mid-autumn festival. Although Haomei unwilling to leave Ko in this important day, he had to go home because of Dad's strongly requirement and Mom's repeating entreaty.

Before leaving, Haomei hung on to Ko and asked for kiss while Ko just gave him a soft kiss and said “Have a nice day ”, which made Haomei felt disgruntled.

In the evening, it seems that Haomei was a bit busy.
Their video chat only last 10 minutes and their dialogue was short and simple.

After haning up the phone, Ko lay in  bed and smelt the retaining smell of Haomei.

What is Haomei doing now ?Eating mooncakes? Admiring the moon with family or ……missing him ?

Ko fell asleep generally. He dreamed the dream again :he sits on the riverside, it's very cold ……

“Ring……Ring……Ring…… ”Ko was waked by his phone.
“Ko !Come to the balcony !”Haomei's voice came from the phone.

Ko went to balcony, when he looked down to downstairs, he saw hundreds of candles were placed a big loving heart ♥.

Haomei, the person who occupy all of his mind stading on the center of the heart and smile sweetly.
“Ko, happy Mid-autumn festival !”

Ko went downstairs quickly and hugged the boy he love most.
Happy Mid-autumn festival, my darling.
Thank you for lighting up my life.

At this night, Ko held Haomei to sleep and had a dream :He lives beside a long river, his house is dark and cold. Suddenly a boy appear, he turns on all the lights of the house and tell Ko :“Welcome home. ”



